Reflecting on later life preparation featured

Reflecting on later life preparation

Current affairs

Modern daily life and routine, under current world-wide circumstances has become extremely challenging and demanding. People in all ages, but especially in their forties and plus, have been facing extreme current affairs that influence all aspects of life. To plan and prepare for later life, ahead and in time, could easily fall further back on priority. Are there any answers or remedies to that?

SenQualityframework for assessing later life preparation

The SenQuality project’s partnership, in addition to the completion of the Practical guide for later life preparation, giving information and concrete advice for nine different fields of life, has developed a framework outlining the development of an assessment tool. The concept of this assessment tool is designed and based upon self-reflection through questions concerning the nine domains considered for later life preparation. Self-reflection provides an overview of the present, past, and future individual situation, and possible conclusions reached for individual action plans.

This concept of assessment regarding preparation and planning of later life includes 5 steps:

  1. Reflecting on later life preparation imageIntroduce: During this step, users acquire a general overview of the importance of planning for later life and the nine domains.

  2. Identify: During this step, users learn about the domain of their choice and assess what is their current situation. The assessment will contain specific questions to this end.

  3. Describe: During this step, users self-reflect and self-assess their past, past experiences, and actions in the domain they have chosen to deal with.

  4. Evaluate: During this step, there is an evaluation based on what users have chosen during steps 2 and 3 about past and present habits and experiences.

  5. Activate: During this step, users self-reflect on their future, based on what they know and how they are already evaluated in terms of the chosen, each time, domain. There is a set of goals offered that lead to defining and selecting solutions for future action planning.

Finally, there is a monitoring activity, during which, users will have the opportunity to adjust their goals and action plan if they are not achieved. In some cases, individuals may go back to step 2 and start again.

For those of you who are interested in learning more about it, check out here!

Self-assessment e-tool

Based on this framework for the assessment of later life preparation, the project’s partners are developing a self-assessment e-tool and will be delivered via the online platform here. It’s coming soon, so stay tuned!

For further information regarding the project and its activities, please follow the project’s Website and Facebook.